Bad Game Design

Run the game and try pressing WASD. Can you understand what's going on? Reset the game and this time try enabling some of the checkboxes in the bottom left of the screen.

This project demonstrates the value of feedback and clarity in interaction design. While this may seem obvious, you may be surprised if you add up the number of feedback nuances to seemingly simple and core interactions in polished games.

Take for example, firing a weapon in Modern Warfare 2. Feedback includes (deep breath):

  • Muzzle flare visual effect / light
  • Gun firing sound effects
  • Camera shake
  • Gun recoil animation
  • Crosshair animation (expands with recoil)
  • Crosshair color change (turns red over enemies)
  • Hit indicator icon appears when hitting target
  • Kill indicator icon appears when killing target
  • Bullet hole decal in the world where bullet impacts
  • Sound effect for bullet impact
  • Particle effect where bullet impacts (varies based on surface or enemy)
  • Enemy hit animation (or death animation)
  • Enemy hit sound effect
  • Changing ammo count in heads-up display
  • Reload UI indicator

None of these feedback mechanisms are free and no single one of them solves the problem on its own. Clarity and feedback mechanisms are often overlooked as we tend to rush to the next feature as soon as one is technically working. 

I have witnessed many designers stumble understanding what's wrong with their gameplay when new players struggle, sometimes electing to add whole new mechanics rather than clarifying the existing mechanics and interactions.

Discovering and fine tuning the right assortment of clarity and feedback mechanisms takes playtesting and iteration. Playing lots of games and closely studying the litany of small details involved with "simple" interactions helps, too. There is often no need to reinvent the wheel. Instead, we have the luxury of standing on the shoulders of giants.

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